3 youtube channels for weight program for men

 1.  Vince Del Monte 
"What are the best fat burning exercises for men? This brand new video will organize those exercise into a killer fat burning workout to show you how to lose weight fast...WITHOUT cardio.

These 5 fat burning exercises for men will also help you increase testosterone, leanness and mass. This is a protocol that helps me stay lean all year round and has been so effective that I built an entire program around it called Shredded In 6, which you can learn  "

2.  Alex Los Angeles


3.  Buff Dudes

"What are the best fat burning exercises for men? This brand new video will organize those exercise into a killer fat burning workout to show you how to lose weight fast...WITHOUT cardio.

These 5 fat burning exercises for men will also help you increase testosterone, leanness and mass. This is a protocol that helps me stay lean all year round and has been so effective that I built an entire program around it called Shredded In 6, which you can learn"

