What to drink after exercising in the summer

After exercising in the summer, what should I drink? To call the power and refreshing come back.

          This summer No one really wants to exercise these days, but with a rehearsal schedule or commitment. Although the weather is soggy. And the heat up to 40 degrees Celsius. It can not destroy the intention of the athlete. But even the commitment to exercise will come first. But one of the most important exercises this summer is "water." Do not let your body go into a state of loss of water and some minerals. (Dehydration) If we get water instead of time. It can cause harm to the body, such as dizziness, wind, wind, sunstroke, low blood pressure, kidney failure, and even death.
          See what water is very important. For people Let's see it better than that. What to drink after exercise? When to sweat in the hot air.

1. water

          It is the most important water during and after all kinds of exercises. When the body loses its sweat from exercise. Drink water to recover the body about 450-590 cc and should drink clean water not less than 8 glasses per day or about 3 liters per day. But if in such hot weather. The body may require about 4 liters of water a day to replace the sweat that the body exits during the day and during exercise.

2. minerals water

          Of course, after the body is sweating from exercise. Things to sweat with are minerals such as sodium chloride, potassium, magnesium, etc. This loss of minerals affects the physical fitness of athletes. Today's mineral water selection is diverse. Choose a drink by watching the amount of sugar is not too high. And after the hard work done. I can drink mineral salt in a bottle.

3. Coconut water

          It is the fruit juice of the athlete that it is. Because it will make the athlete refresh. It also provides the nutrients necessary for the body and the body to absorb water to work better. Potassium, iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, amino acids, organic acids and B vitamins, carbohydrates, but should choose natural coconut water. Not to add sugar to add sweet will be the best.

4. fresh fruit juice

          After exercise, especially girls who like to drink fresh fruit juice. Whether it is orange juice, lemon juice, etc., coaches recommend that you choose to drink, but you need to see the amount of sugar. Some fruits are naturally sweet. But some of them add syrup to the mix. In addition to nutrients in the fruit is reduced. The body also accumulates sugar until it becomes obese.

          Water is essential to the body every day, should drink more than 3 liters of water, and if you exercise. The body loses sweat and minerals. The more you drink, the more balanced your body gets. And whether it is a drink, it should look at the sugar or sweetened with the mixture. Replaces the body to be healthy from exercise. It is to control the fat from the sweetness of the drink with it.
